Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tourism at Semarang


* Semarang has a cultural arts and ngendhog warak dhugdheran held before the coming month of ramadhan.
* Semarang Semarang has a brand charm Asian tour that began in mid-2007
* Semarang has an old town that includes Little Netherland Polder area, Semarang Tawang Station, Bridge and Lawang Sewu berok
* Community Tionghoa in Semarang, through associations Coffee Semawis (Chinatown Community Semarang for Tourism), held Waroeng Semawis, culinary tour of the arena that sell a variety of food & souvenirs typical of Semarang, Semarang's Chinatown (the Gang Pinggir) every weekend ( Friday - Sunday) and holidays. Coffee also routinely held Semawis Lunar Semawis Market for a few days each before the Lunar New Year celebration in Chinatown Semarang.
* Shopping center in Semarang, among others:
o Ciputra Mall in Simpang Lima area
o Simpang Lima Plaza Simpang Lima area
o Java Jangli Mall in the region, MT Haryono with Hypermart and the Sun as the anchor tenant
Queen o Dept Store in Jalan Pemuda and area MT Haryono Peterongan
o Ramayana Dept Store in the area of Simpang Lima
o There's Dept Store Siliwangi, Majapahit, Setiabudi and Fatmawati
o DP Mall with its Carrefour is located at Jalan Pemuda.
* The famous five-star hotel in Semarang is the Grand Temple, Ciputra, Horizon, Graha Santika, Patra Jasa, Novotel, Gumaya, Ibis.

Geography of The City of Semarang


Low-lying areas in the city of Semarang is very narrow, which is about 4 kilometers from the coastline. Plains known as the city below. Down town area is often hit by floods, and in some areas, flooding is caused by a surge of sea water (rob). To the south is a plateau, known as the city, including District of Temple, Mijen, Gunungpati, and Banyumanik.

The City of Semarang

The City of Semarang

The city of Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia. Semarang is a city led by Mayor H. Sukawi Sutarip, SH, SE. The town is located about 466 km east of Jakarta, or 312 km west of Surabaya. Semarang is bordered by Java Sea to the north, east Demak district, Semarang regency in the south, and the District of Kendal in the west.

Semarang history begins in about the 8th century AD, the coastal area called Pragota (now the Bergota) and is part of the ancient kingdom of Mataram. The area at that time was in front of the port and there are group of small islands. As a result of subsidence, which until now still going on, clusters are now merged to form the mainland. Lower part of Semarang city known now so once was the sea. Ports is estimated to be in the area now and the Feather Market extends into Simongan Harbor, where Admiral Cheng Ho's fleet against the year 1405 AD At the landing, Admiral Cheng Ho founded the temple and the mosque which is still visited and called Sam Po Kong temple (Gedung Batu).

At the end of the 15th century AD there was someone assigned by the Kingdom of Demak, known as the Prince Made Pandan, to spread the religion of Islam from the hills Pragota. From time to time that the more fertile areas, from among the trees emerged the fertility of the charcoal acid (Javanese: Charcoal Asem), which provides the title or the name of the area to Semarang.

As a founder of the village, then became head of the local area, with the title of Kyai Pandan Arang Ageng I. Sepeninggalnya, regional leaders held by his son, who styled Pandan Arang II (later known as Sunan Bayat). Under the leadership of Pandan Arang II, Semarang region increasingly shows that increased growth, which attract the attention of the Sultan Hadiwijaya Pajai. Because the increase in area requirements can be met, it was decided to make level with the District of Semarang. On May 2, 1547 to coincide with the commemoration of Prophet Muhammad SAW Maulid, dated 12 Rabi 'al-beginning of year 954 AH validated by consultation with Hadiwijayasetelah Sultan Sunan Kalijaga. Dated May 2 and then set as the day become the city of Semarang.

Later in the year 1678 Amangkurat II of Mataram, promised to VOC to provide Semarang as debt payments, he claimed Priangan areas and coastal ports tax until the debt is paid off. In the year 1705 I handed susuhunan Pakubuwono Semarang to the VOC as part of the deal because it has helped to seize Kartasura. Since then officially became a city of Semarang's VOC and then the Dutch East Indies government.

In the year 1906 with Stanblat No. 120 of 1906 established the Government Gemeente. Big city government is headed by a Burgemeester (Mayor). Governance system is held by the Dutch ended in 1942 with the Japanese occupation government datangya.

During the Japanese government was formed in Semarang headed Military (Shico) from Japan. Accompanied by two representatives (Fuku Shico) respectively from Japan and a nation of Indonesia. Shortly after independence, ie 15 to October 20, 1945 heroics happened Semarang youths who fought the Japanese army who insisted on not willing to surrender to troops of the Republic. This struggle is known as the Battle of five days in Semarang.

In 1946 the British on behalf of the Allies handed to the city of Semarang Belanda.Ini occurred in May 1946 ladder L6. Dated June 3, 1946 with tricks, the Dutch captured Mr. Sudjahri priest, the mayor of Semarang before the proclamation of independence. During the period of Dutch occupation there are no local government of Semarang city. Narnun fighters remained in the public administration to run the government in rural areas or refugee areas outside the city until December 1948. regional refugee moving from city Purwodadi, Gubug, Kedungjati, Salatiga, and finally in Yogyakarta. Government leaders in a row held by R Broken, R. Prawotosudibyo and Mr. Ichsan. Dutch occupation government, known as trying to re-create Recomba Gemeente government as the colonial period had been under the leadership of Slamet R Tirtosubroto. It did not work, because in the recovery of sovereignty should be handed to the Commander KMKB Semarang in February 1950. dated April 1950 I Suhardi Major, Commander KMKB. local government leadership handed to Mr. Koesoedibyono Semarang, a high official of the Ministry of Home Affairs in Yogyakarta. He recast the government officials in order to facilitate the running of government. Since the year 1945 the mayor who led the major cities of Semarang who later became Township and eventually became the City of Semarang is as follows:

* Mr. Moch.lchsan
* Mr. Koesoebiyono (1949 - July 1, 1951)
* RM. Hadisoebeno Sosrowardoyo (July 1, 1951 - January 1, 1958)
* Mr. Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (7Januari 1958 - January 1, 1960)
* RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (January 1, 1961 - April 26, 1964)
* Mr. Wuryanto (25 April 1964 - September 1, 1966)
* Lieutenant Colonel. Soeparno (1 September 1966 - March 6, 1967)
* Lieutenant Colonel. R. Warsito Soegiarto (March 6, 1967 - January 2, 1973)
* Colonel Hadijanto (2Januari 1973 - January 15, 1980)
* Col. H. Tjakrajoeda Soeparto Imam SH (January 15, 1980 - January 19, 1990)
* Colonel H. Soetrisno Suharto (19 January 1990 to 19 January 2000)
* H. Sukawi Sutarip SH. (January 19, 2000 - present)

Lord of Semarang: Under Pajang and Mataram

* Prince Kanoman or Pandan Arang III (1553-1586)
* Mas R. Tumenggung Tambi (1657-1659)
* Mas Tumenggung WONGSOREJO (1659 - 1666)
* Mas Tumenggung Prawiroprojo (1666-1670)
* Mas Tumenggung Microhierax (1670-1674)
* Kyai Mertonoyo, Kyai Kyai Tumenggung Yudonegoro or Suromenggolo Duke (1674 -1701)

Under the VOC:

* Raden Raden Martoyudo or Sumimngrat (1743-1751)
* Sumowijoyo or Marmowijoyo or Sumonegoro or Surohadmienggolo (1751-1773)
* Surohadimenggolo IV (1773 -?)
* Duke Surohadimenggolo V or Kanjeng Terboyo (?)

Government of the Netherlands East Indies:

* Raden Tumenggung Surohadiningrat (? -1841)
* Putro Surohadimenggolo (1841-1855)
* Mas Ngabehi Reksonegoro (1855-1860)
* RTP Suryokusurno (1860-1887)
* RTP Reksodirjo (1887-1891)
* RMTA Purbaningrat (1891 -?)

Government is divided 2: Municipal and County. Native rulers later became regent of Semarang:

* Raden Cokrodipuro (? -1927)
* RM Soebiyono (1897-1927)
* RM Suyitno Amin (1927-1942)
* RMAA Sukarman Mertohadinegoro (1942-1945)

Government of the Republic of Indonesia:

* R. Midshipman Soediyono Kusumo (1945-1945), only lasted one month
* M. Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (year 1946)

Government RIS:

* RM.Condronegoro until the year 1949

After recognition of Sovereignty:

* M. Sumardjito (1946-1952)
* R. Oetoyo Koesoemo (1952-1956).

Regent Utuk then turn to page Semarang District

Semarang Municipality definitively established under Law No. 13 year 1950 about the establishment of districts in Central Java environment.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Timeline of Indonesian history Part I

Indonesian History Part I


* Pleistocene: The modern geological form of Indonesia appears, linked to Asian mainland.
* 2 million to 500,000 years ago: Indonesia is inhabited by Homo erectus, now popularly known as the 'Java Man'.
* 40,000 BCE: Earliest human societies first thought to have existed in parts of the Indonesian archipelago, New Guinea, Melanesia, Australia, highlands of the Malay Peninsula, and the Philippines.
* 3,000 BCE: The modern peoples of Indonesia of Austronesian origins are thought to have first reached the northern Philippines. They reach eastern Indonesian and Borneo by 2,000 BCE, and New Guinea, Java and Sumatra between 1,500BCE and 1,000BCE.
* 200 BCE: Dvipantara or Jawa Dwipa Hindu kingdom is thought to have existed in Java and Sumatra.

Early history

* 5th century: Stone inscriptions in west Java announce decrees of Purnavarman, king of Tarumanagara.
* 700 CE: Wet-field rice cultivation, small towns and kingdoms flourish. Trade links are established with both China and India.
* 732 CE:Sanjaya dynasty founded around this time according to Canggal inscription.
* 3rd to 15th century: The Sumatra-based Srivijaya naval kingdom flourishes and declines.
* 8th century to 832 CE: The agriculturally-based Buddhist Sailendra kingdom flourishes and declines.
* 760 CE to 830CE: Borobudur Buddhist monument constructed.
* 856 CE: Prambanan Hindu temple thought to have been completed.
* 752 to 1045: The Hindu Mataram dynasty flourishes and declines.
* 1006 CE: King Dharmawangsa's Medang kingdom falls under invasion of Wurawari (Srivijayan ally).
* 1019 CE: Airlangga establishes the Kingdom of Kahuripan.

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each ethnic culture that has developed over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, and Europe, including the Malay culture itself. For example Java and Bali dance has traditional and cultural aspects of Hindu mythology, such as leather puppet show of stories about the incident mitologis Hindu Ramayana and Baratayuda. Many also contain the art of dance values of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra Ratéb Meuseukat dance and dance Seudati of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Art pantun, gurindam, and so forth from various regions such as the Malay pantun, and pantun-pantun acapkali used in other events in the particular that is, stage art, and others.

In the field of clothing the famous cultural heritage around the world is batik handicrafts. Some of the famous local batik industry will include Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. Batik crafts this is claimed by Malaysia with batiknya industry. Clothing native Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke other identifiable characteristics of the character-imposed in each region, among other clothes with songketnya brackets from West Sumatra (Minangkabau), ulos cloth from North Sumatra (Batak), good clothes, fashion typical Dayaks in Kalimantan, Bodo clothing from South Sulawesi, Papua's berkoteka clothing and so forth.

The most dominant influence in the architecture is architecture India, but there is also the influence of Chinese architecture, Arab, and Europe.

The most popular sports in Indonesia are badminton and soccer, UEFA Super league is the main football clubs in Indonesia. Traditional sports, including kick takraw and karapan cattle in Madura. In the region with a history of inter-ethnic war, the contest was held contention, such as names in the Flores and Sumba in pasola. Pencak Silat is the art of self-care is a unique region comes from Indonesia. Art of self-care is sometimes displayed on the events showtimes are usually followed by the traditional music form of Indonesian gamelan music and other traditional arts in accordance with the original. Sports in Indonesia are usually male-oriented sports and spektator often associated with gambling is illegal in Indonesia. Art music in both traditional and modern is very much outward from Sabang to Merauke.

Every province in Indonesia have a traditional music with something special apart. Traditional music, including Keroncong who comes from the descendants of Portuguese in the area of Tugu, Jakarta, which is known by all people of Indonesia and even to other countries. There is also the music merakyat in Indonesia that is known by the name of Dangdut music influenced by Arab, Indian, and Malay.

Traditional musical instrument which is a typical musical instrument has a lot of fad in the various regions of Indonesia, but also a lot of Indonesian traditional musical instrument 'stolen' by other countries for the addition of culture and art music with its own patent copyright of art and culture of Indonesia. Indonesian traditional musical instrument, among others, include:

* Angklung
* Bende
* Calung
* Dermenan
* Gamelan
* Gandang Tabuik
* Gendang Bali

* Gendang Karo
* Malay Gendang
* Gong Kemada
* Gong Lambus
* Jidor
* Harp flute
* Java kendang

* Kenong
* Kulintang
* Rebab
* Pin
* Saluang
* Saron
* Sasando

* Flute
* Seurune Kale
* Flute Lembang
* Flute Sunda
* Talempong
* Tanggetong
* Tifa, and so forth

Indonesian cuisine varies depending on the region. Rice is the staple food and dihidangkan with a side dish of meat and vegetables. Spices (especially chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken is an important material. Indonesian film industry's popularity soar in the 1980s and dominated cinemas in Indonesia, although kepopulerannya decreased in the early 1990s. Between 2000 to 2005, the number of Indonesian films released each year increases.

Proof of any posts in Indonesia is different inscription in Sanskrit on the 5-century BC. Important figure in modern Indonesian literature include: Dutch author Multatuli criticizing the treatment of Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era Netherlands; Muhammad Yamin and Hamka passed which is the author and pre-independence politician, and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesia novel of the most famous. Many Indonesians have a strong oral tradition, which helped define and maintain their cultural identity. Freedom of the press in Indonesia increased after the end of President Soeharto. Television stations, including ten private national television stations and networks that compete with local television station TVRI country. Private radio stations broadcast their news programs and foreign broadcasting. Reportedly, there are 20 million internet users in Indonesia in 2007. Use of the Internet on a limited minority population, estimated at 8.5%.



According to the census of 2000, Indonesia has a population of around 206 million, and estimated that in 2006 a 222 million. 130 million (more than 50%) live in Java island, which is inhabited islands where the most at once was the capital of Jakarta. Most (95%) the population is Malay nation, and there are also ethnic groups, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and especially in Eastern Indonesia. Many Indonesians who claim themselves as part of an ethnic group is more specific, which is divided by language and region of origin, such as Javanese, Sundanese, or Batak.

In addition there is also the number of migrants who are ethnic minorities, Chinese, Indian, and Arabic. They have long come to the archipelago with the path of trade since last century BC to the 8 and settled into a part of Indonesia. In Indonesia there are about 4 million population is ethnic Tionghoa.Angka different only because in 1930 an the last time the government do with the census-grade bracket of the Indonesian people to the tribe and his descendants.

Islam is a religion be embraced by the majority of the approximately 85.2% of the population of Indonesia, making Indonesia the country with the highest Muslim population in the world. The rest are Protestant (8.9%), Catholic (3%), Hindu (1.8%), Buddhists (0.8%), and others (0.3%). Besides religion, the government also officially recognizes Konghucu.

Most people in Indonesia speak the local language as mother language, but the official language of Indonesia, Indonesian language, is taught in all schools in this country and mastered by almost the entire population of Indonesia.