Sunday, January 11, 2009



Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each ethnic culture that has developed over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, and Europe, including the Malay culture itself. For example Java and Bali dance has traditional and cultural aspects of Hindu mythology, such as leather puppet show of stories about the incident mitologis Hindu Ramayana and Baratayuda. Many also contain the art of dance values of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra Ratéb Meuseukat dance and dance Seudati of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Art pantun, gurindam, and so forth from various regions such as the Malay pantun, and pantun-pantun acapkali used in other events in the particular that is, stage art, and others.

In the field of clothing the famous cultural heritage around the world is batik handicrafts. Some of the famous local batik industry will include Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. Batik crafts this is claimed by Malaysia with batiknya industry. Clothing native Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke other identifiable characteristics of the character-imposed in each region, among other clothes with songketnya brackets from West Sumatra (Minangkabau), ulos cloth from North Sumatra (Batak), good clothes, fashion typical Dayaks in Kalimantan, Bodo clothing from South Sulawesi, Papua's berkoteka clothing and so forth.

The most dominant influence in the architecture is architecture India, but there is also the influence of Chinese architecture, Arab, and Europe.

The most popular sports in Indonesia are badminton and soccer, UEFA Super league is the main football clubs in Indonesia. Traditional sports, including kick takraw and karapan cattle in Madura. In the region with a history of inter-ethnic war, the contest was held contention, such as names in the Flores and Sumba in pasola. Pencak Silat is the art of self-care is a unique region comes from Indonesia. Art of self-care is sometimes displayed on the events showtimes are usually followed by the traditional music form of Indonesian gamelan music and other traditional arts in accordance with the original. Sports in Indonesia are usually male-oriented sports and spektator often associated with gambling is illegal in Indonesia. Art music in both traditional and modern is very much outward from Sabang to Merauke.

Every province in Indonesia have a traditional music with something special apart. Traditional music, including Keroncong who comes from the descendants of Portuguese in the area of Tugu, Jakarta, which is known by all people of Indonesia and even to other countries. There is also the music merakyat in Indonesia that is known by the name of Dangdut music influenced by Arab, Indian, and Malay.

Traditional musical instrument which is a typical musical instrument has a lot of fad in the various regions of Indonesia, but also a lot of Indonesian traditional musical instrument 'stolen' by other countries for the addition of culture and art music with its own patent copyright of art and culture of Indonesia. Indonesian traditional musical instrument, among others, include:

* Angklung
* Bende
* Calung
* Dermenan
* Gamelan
* Gandang Tabuik
* Gendang Bali

* Gendang Karo
* Malay Gendang
* Gong Kemada
* Gong Lambus
* Jidor
* Harp flute
* Java kendang

* Kenong
* Kulintang
* Rebab
* Pin
* Saluang
* Saron
* Sasando

* Flute
* Seurune Kale
* Flute Lembang
* Flute Sunda
* Talempong
* Tanggetong
* Tifa, and so forth

Indonesian cuisine varies depending on the region. Rice is the staple food and dihidangkan with a side dish of meat and vegetables. Spices (especially chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken is an important material. Indonesian film industry's popularity soar in the 1980s and dominated cinemas in Indonesia, although kepopulerannya decreased in the early 1990s. Between 2000 to 2005, the number of Indonesian films released each year increases.

Proof of any posts in Indonesia is different inscription in Sanskrit on the 5-century BC. Important figure in modern Indonesian literature include: Dutch author Multatuli criticizing the treatment of Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era Netherlands; Muhammad Yamin and Hamka passed which is the author and pre-independence politician, and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesia novel of the most famous. Many Indonesians have a strong oral tradition, which helped define and maintain their cultural identity. Freedom of the press in Indonesia increased after the end of President Soeharto. Television stations, including ten private national television stations and networks that compete with local television station TVRI country. Private radio stations broadcast their news programs and foreign broadcasting. Reportedly, there are 20 million internet users in Indonesia in 2007. Use of the Internet on a limited minority population, estimated at 8.5%.



According to the census of 2000, Indonesia has a population of around 206 million, and estimated that in 2006 a 222 million. 130 million (more than 50%) live in Java island, which is inhabited islands where the most at once was the capital of Jakarta. Most (95%) the population is Malay nation, and there are also ethnic groups, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and especially in Eastern Indonesia. Many Indonesians who claim themselves as part of an ethnic group is more specific, which is divided by language and region of origin, such as Javanese, Sundanese, or Batak.

In addition there is also the number of migrants who are ethnic minorities, Chinese, Indian, and Arabic. They have long come to the archipelago with the path of trade since last century BC to the 8 and settled into a part of Indonesia. In Indonesia there are about 4 million population is ethnic Tionghoa.Angka different only because in 1930 an the last time the government do with the census-grade bracket of the Indonesian people to the tribe and his descendants.

Islam is a religion be embraced by the majority of the approximately 85.2% of the population of Indonesia, making Indonesia the country with the highest Muslim population in the world. The rest are Protestant (8.9%), Catholic (3%), Hindu (1.8%), Buddhists (0.8%), and others (0.3%). Besides religion, the government also officially recognizes Konghucu.

Most people in Indonesia speak the local language as mother language, but the official language of Indonesia, Indonesian language, is taught in all schools in this country and mastered by almost the entire population of Indonesia.