Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Indonesia's History

Relic fossil-fossil Homo erectus, which by anthropologist also called "Java man", cause

alleged that the Indonesian archipelago has been populated at the start of two million to 500,000 years ago. [10] Austronesian people, who form the majority of the population at this time, migrate to Southeast Asia from Taiwan. They arrived around 2000 BC, and cause the Melanesian nation that has been there first, there are areas to regions in the far eastern island. where the ideal conditions for agriculture, and the mastery of the way, planting rice at least since the century -8 BC, [12], many villages, towns, and small kingdoms grow better in evolving with the first century BC. In addition, Indonesia, which is located in the sea trade routes of international and inter-island, cruise lines have become between India and China for several centuries. History of Thailand next to a lot of influence from these trade activities.

Under the influence of Hindu and Buddhist religions, some of the kingdom established in the islands of Java and Sumatra since the 7th century to century-14. Sriwijaya appear in the centuries-7 as a mighty maritime empire with the power to control the trade in the Strait of Malacca and surrounding areas. Between century-8, and 10, dynasty-dynasty Syailendra Sanjaya successfully develop and kingdoms in Java-based agricultural , With historical relics such as Borobudur and Prambanan temple. At the end of the century to 13, Majapahit standing in the eastern part of Java island. Under the leadership mahapatih Gajah Mada, widespread power to almost cover the areas of Indonesia now, and often called the "Golden Age" in Indonesian history.

Arrival traders Arabic and Persian through Gujarat, India, and bring Islam. In addition, Chinese sailors, led by Mr. Cheng Ho (Zheng He) are Islamic, also never stop in this region in the early 15th century.

When people come to Europe early 16th-century, they found several small kingdoms that can easily dominate their fun for the spice trade. Portuguese first landed in the Sudanese kingdom of the two ports, namely Banten and Sunda Kelapa, but can be outcast and moving to the east and controls the Moluccas. In the 17th century, the Dutch appear as a terkuat among many European countries, overcome Portugal and the United Kingdom (except for their colony, Portuguese Timor). In the Christian religion that is the entrance to Indonesia as one of imperialism long mission, known as 3G, namely Gold, Glory and Gospel. Dutch control of Indonesia as a colony until World War II, initially through the VOC, and then directly by the Dutch government since the early 19th century.

Under the system Cultuurstelsel System (Planting) in the 19th century, large plantations and the planting of force implemented in Java, ultimately benefits the Netherlands who can not produce VOC. During the colonial government that is more free after 1870, the system is removed. After 1901 the Netherlands introduced the ethical policy, which include the limited political reform and greater investment in India-the Netherlands.

At the time of World War II, when the Dutch Patrol by Germany, Japan controlled Indonesia. After getting in Indonesia 1942, the Japanese view that the combative U.S. trading partners are cooperative and willing to mobilize soldiers when necessary. Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, KH. Mas Mansur, and Ki Hajar Dewantara award given by the Emperor of Japan in the year 1943.

In March 1945 Japan formed a committee for independence from Indonesia after the Pacific war ended in 1945, under pressure from the youth organization, group leaders proclaim the independence of Indonesia's Soekarno on 17 August 1945. In an effort to return control of Indonesia, the Netherlands send their troops.

Bloody efforts to muffle the independence movement then known as the 'police action' (Politionele Actie). Netherlands finally receive the rights to freedom of Indonesia on 27 December 1949, after receiving strong pressure from international circles, particularly the United States. Sukarno became the first president of Indonesia with Mohammad Hatta as vice president.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Sukarno government began to follow the non-aligned movement in the beginning and then with the socialist block, for example, the People's Republic of China and Yugoslavia. 1960s witness the occurrence of military confrontation against neighboring countries, Malaysia ( "confrontation"), and the dissatisfaction of the economic difficulties increase. In the 1965 incident erupts G30S, which cause the death of 6 general and a number of other officers middle. Appears that the strength of the new call himself a New Order immediately accused the Communist Party of Indonesia as the brain behind the incident and the intended overthrow the legitimate government and changing the national ideology based on the socialist-communist credo. It also alleged to be the reason for replacing the old government under President Sukarno.

General Soeharto became president in 1967 with reasons to secure the country from the threat of communism. Meanwhile today Sukarno physical condition itself increasingly weakened. After Soeharto in power, hundreds of thousands of Indonesian citizens suspected of communist parties involved were killed, while many more U.S. citizens who are abroad, do not dare to return to the motherland, and eventually revoked nationality. 32 years old, called the power of Soeharto's New Order, while the government Soekarno called Old Order.

Soeharto apply neoliberal economic and successfully bring foreign investment to a large entry to Indonesia and generate greater economic growth, although uneven, in Indonesia. At the beginning of the New Order regime of Indonesia ekomomi policies formulated by a group of economists, economists the economic department graduates the University of California, Berkeley, called the "Berkeley Mafia." However, Soeharto add rich they and their families through the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism is widespread and he eventually forced down from office after action large-scale demonstrations and the country's economic conditions to worsen in 1998.

From 1998 to 2001, Indonesia had three presidents: Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Sukarnoputri. In the 2004 election one day the world's largest was held and won by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Indonesia is currently experiencing economic problems, political and religious dissension nuances in the country, and some areas are trying to gain independence, Aceh and Papua. East Timor finally officially secede in 2002 after 24 years with a united Indonesia and 3 years under UN administration of East Timor into the country.

In December 2004 and March 2005, the Aceh and Nias by two major earthquakes that kill hundreds of thousands of the total inhabitants. (See the Indian Ocean earthquake and the 2004 Sumatra earthquake March 2005.) Genesis is followed by the earthquake in Yogyakarta and tsunami that beach Pangandaran and surrounding areas, flooding and mud in Sidoarjo in 2006 that no be.

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